Thursday, July 6, 2017

I thought the development of the scalpel at the Museum of Medicine was very interesting. Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable on the subject. What kinda disgusted me was the story of the person who had an abscess under his skin and a special scalpel was made to cut into his arm. Unfortunately, the guy was in too much pain to complete the procedure.


  1. I thought a lot of the topics were very hard to listen to in my opinion. I think that although this research was gross it helped us progress to learning about the human body as well as medicines and techniques, so in the end it was worth it. I'm just glad I wasn't a part of it.

  2. That was a very interesting story. I also agree that she was knowledgeable about the procedures and tools used during that time to try and heal people. All of the eye tools and amputation saws bothered me a little bit too.

  3. Heidi's comment: I found it amusing that they used human's the test variations of curly scalpel. I found it odd that they wouldn't test on caddavers even though they ended up killing the other test subjects.

  4. I agree that it was very interesting seeing the scalpel and how they were specially made for each type of surgery. the one made for eye surgery i thought was very unique.

  5. Imagining medicine in that era doesn't sound fun! I found the table of body parts to be very intriguing but yet extremely gross! Another was the black table where a women gave birth on. It all seems very shocking when you look at modern medicine!
