Sunday, July 2, 2017

A room that interested me in the museum was looking at all of these really cool inventions from the 1900's such as a washing machine that started automatically when the cost of electricity would be the lowest, as well as a tea-pot/alarm clock. The alarm clock has been made in England since 1933 but gained popularity around the 1960s. You fill it with water the night before and in the morning the tea would be ready when the alarm clock goes off. I just found it very interesting to see these kind of designs and inventions from so long ago. Even though it isn't as dramatic of an invention as the bikes they showed us I really enjoyed looking and reading about them.


  1. That's cool about the teapot/alarm clock. In that same area there was a toilet seat that was able to measure your heart rate and water content of your body as you did your business.

  2. That sounds like something that i would like to use now a days. I know that we have them but it never seems as cool as looking at it from the 1960s.
